My Learning Plan

Bootcamp Learning Plan

1. What is your long-term goal and career pathway?

I would like to first pivot into tech industry, and then hopefully I can start my own business in 3-5 years’ time. I would like to utilize my knowledge of programming and the power of technology to generate products that can better the community.

2. What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp ?

My biggest strength is my perseverance. There were several times during the foundation that I got very stuck at a challenge and was close to giving up and looking at the hints or the solutions. In those moments, my mental strength, however, kicked in and gave me extra energy to push through. I believe this strength will be my main weapon to tackle all the difficulties and obstacles ahead during the bootcamp.
My limitation is probably the time management. As I can sometimes be quite stubborn and will not give up until I resolve an issue, it might cost me quite a bit of time doing so. I am trying to balance my time a bit better as well as knowing when I should reach out for help to save the time for learning other things.

3. What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be ?

It might be public speaking as I haven’t got much opportunity in my current job to sharpen this piece of skill.

4. What non-technical skills - human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy ?

I would say working on my reflective skills. I feel that I could have done all the sprint reflections better had I practiced this skill more.

5. What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team ?

I hope to receive timely responses and assistance from the facilitators and staffs just like how it was during the foundation.

6. What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp ?

I would like to see myself fully devoted to this bootcamp and give it all my effort and energy. And I hope that I will be equipped with enough knowledge and skills to develop a meaningful application by the end of the bootcamp.

Foundation Learning Plan

1. What is your long-term goal or career pathway?

I would like to pivot into tech industry, and my ambition is to have my own start-up in 3-5 years’ time.

2. A description of your strengths and limitations when it comes to learning

My biggest strength that has allowed me to conquer many obstacles is my perseverance. During my online study with another provider, there were times that I struggled to fully comprehend the material or to work out a solution for the assignments. At the end, it was my never-give-up attitude that helped me overcome the difficulties. Logical thinking skill is another strength of mine. With a science background, I always look at organizing matters or resolving problems in a logical manner.
Perfectionism is my limitation that sometimes costs me an excessive amount of time. I am aware of it and have been working on tuning it down when unnecessary. When studying, I always try to complete all the assignments in the best possible way. While it is a good thing, it can pose problems at times, especially when there are several strict deadlines to be met at once. On a couple of occasions, I didn’t use my time wisely enough as I fixated on improving the minor details too much and that caused me to run out of time catching up on other more important sections.

3. What skills (non-technical core/human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

resentation skill is probably the area I would like to work on and I believe Dev Academy will offer me a great environment to strengthen that skill.

4. A commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme.

I will dedicate all my time and effort to completing the assigned workload in a timely fashion during the entire bootcamp. To achieve so, I have made a clear plan to set aside a certain amount of time each day for coding and absorbing new knowledge as well as spare some time for exercising and sport activities to ensure I stay healthy and active, which will in turn help improve my concentration and productivity.

Being open-minded and willing to consider different ideas or approaches, I work with other learners in a respectful manner. When doing the group work with others in my previous study, there were a few times when my suggestions didn’t align with others’ thinking. In those situations, I acknowledged different perspectives and dealt with them respectfully. I then factored some of my teammates’ feedback into improving my work.

The way I deal with pressure is to stay calm and composed and make some change to my strategy if necessary to guarantee everything is prioritized in the order of urgency. I find having a well-designed plan helps dictate my action and ensure the right decision is made at the right time.

5. A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way

My facilitator as well as other Dev Academy staffs are my first point of contact if I were to need any assistance. As I know quite a few people in tech and some of them are good friends of mine, I can always reach out to them for some advice on technical matters. Also, I will make sure if an unexpected incident comes up, I will notify staffs at the earliest possibility so that we can together address the situation in a promptly manner before things become worse.

6. A description of what you expect from the Facilitation team

I hope to receive timely responses and assistance from the facilitation team when I encounter difficulties or when I struggle to keep up with the pace or the requirement of the programme.

7. Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things. For example, you might have whānau commitments like school drop-offs.

As mentioned in my answer for the fourth question above, I have made a well-detailed plan for how I am going to balance my study and other personal commitments during the bootcamp period.